
Saturday, November 22, 2008



I'm currently watching a video about a protest made against anti-tomboy Fatwa on You-tube. Just let me refresh you about the Fatwa thingy...the National Fatwa Council recently decided that, for a women with chromosome XX ( some ppl are confuse owh kay!!) to behave and act resembles a man is Haram ( A BIG NO NO!!!).....
but before i go further in to this topic let me just say that I know little about it and if i write anything wrong do please correct me...

One of the hadith from Rasullah,

from 'Ibn Abbas (Radhiyallaahu nhu) reported that Rasulullah (Sallallaaahu layhi Wasallam) cursed the hermaphrodite from the men and the like from the women.'

So, it is already been cleared that to behave and act resembles a man is a BIG NO NO!! since 1437 years ago....might be the fatwa is stated out to specify in detail about the Hadith..

but the problem is that, the one who did the protest aren't even muslim and they just went out in public and shouting that the National Fatwa Council is --stupid fucker-- astagfirullahalazim..
i just dont know what the world has turn out in to....

huru-hara (my fav word at the moment) dunia ini...

salah satu petanda akhirat semakin dekat??!!!

tetapi perkara yang berlaku adalah yang telah di benarkan oleh 4W1 s.w.t juga..atas perbuatan kita juga...

i only believe in, seeing the world as my heart is..
because if u see the world as it is, they would prolly no peace in 4W1 s.w.t land...