
Friday, June 25, 2010


one thing I like when my sister is back for he summer break, besides having her to do all the house chores ( ayot sgt rajen!!), is that i hv actually hv someone to tell my stories which is the full version of everything without any doubts. both my sisters knows everything.sisters are the best gossipers. haha. just recently we shared a common understanding about hows life is. karma is a word to describe how life rules work. which i supposes to be translated just like the Scorpion song- what you give you get back. don't get me wrong, karma in my term is not a believes as what in Buddhism is all about. its a word to tell that what goes around comes around. tracking back life, we can actually see what happens to ppl who once did bad things to us and what wrong things we do to ppl made us. though it is not our position to say serve them right nor as to take revenge. redha sudey.heh .. it is hard to keep your heads down while moving forward. theres a thin lines that divides being confident and a snob. Whatever it is, living a life in contentment is the best.

“Bukanlah dikatakan kaya itu sebagai banyak harta. Akan tetapi kekayaan sebenar itu adalah kekayaan jiwa” [al-Bukhari 6446]