
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

time cannot fill in an empty heart

bff: you know what, my schedule is so full up until 2012, I already made plans on how to make myself occupied so that i wont be thinking about him. but i still miss him. =(

me: why don't you start dating again? at least when you know right now his dating someone else, if you start dating again, you might feel less miserable. its filling in the empty heart.

bff: i did, but when I started dating again, it is hard not to compare with my previous relationship. and when that person I try to date is not up to my ex standard, it'll be a turn off.

me: *speechless*

habis dah sesi sharing n caring sbb termangu je tanpa kata2.

i feel you man.


Kilau Saladin said...

i feel you too! if i cant get her out of my head,maybe shes suppose to be there and i rather stuck by myself instead of making the wrong move.throw my phone away everytime i feel like contacting.only time can heal!dont do nething stupid though

miesmoshe said...

i pass on your words to her! i've been there. it helps to share it with some one.=) human love comes n go. but Allah swt loves never fade.