
Friday, September 11, 2009

4 inch no less than that

i'm soooo addicted to heels.. i know i'm going to make the podiatrist out there rich and shoes company richer, but i cant get rid of the addictiveness. there was one time when i walk the whole day wearing 4 inch heels and end up walking with flat slippers 2 straight days.. moms said my feet looks so man with the blood vessels sticking out like wires... ' takpa mama beauty is pain and this pain is categorize as the one i enjoy'hahhaah... i already have a space that i can store all my shoes collection but now the shoes starts spilling out..sue me plz.

oh god.. i havent had this kind yet...ooooo....*wink*wink

What happens in San Francisco, stays in San Fr...Image by Darwin Bell via Flickr

p/s: wearing heels make me stand as tall as him... tp time berjalan takde la selaju...berdarah wey...


wanyie said...

pki heel mmg lbh confident
tp hnye mampu pki g ofis je..=(

Fahriku said...

-____-" no wonder kalau nama tu dah mursyidah binti ismail..