
Monday, May 17, 2010

ironi kekentalan

you really want to see me wearing louis vuitton hand bag with a matching pair of jimmy choo high heels, wait till i'm driving bmw convertible.i think because ppl are rich that is why they wear designers not by wearing designers makes them rich. takksn la nak pki beg LV pastu naik tp kdg2 tgk ibuk2 dlm train nak ke pelabuhan klang pun pki beg LV pun satu ironi.
and it doesnt surprise me if rich ppl r snob, the one that humble with what they own inspired me the most. apa2 pun kaya budi bhs lg best. the world is full of abundance. anyone can get rich. but it takes yrs of hardship to become an overnight success. xpe lets get rich n we'll be closer to the day of klu hr2 kate x cukup duit ble la kala nak cukup.right?
biar la pki bj cap ayam je dlu, janji ilmu penuh di dada, dan sume tmpt dh

dont let the rat race steals away your happiness and your peace of mind.


Nooreena said...

This one is awesome! Sebab kita sefahaman. Sekufu. Betul ke tak guna word ni? Haha. Kita really adore ppl yang kaya tapi rendah diri. Anyway Mushy, keep on writing here ya. Best baca. :)

zaL said...

eleh mushy..tang ilmu penuh kt dada ak sokong tang travel tu...haih..irnoi sungguh ayat mung tuh..hahahaa

miesmoshe said...

erina: yeap2! betul2. thanks

zal: nak buat camne... dah kaki jlan.. travel tu mesti kena selit kan gak...

hazwanitcd said...

entahnyer...betul sangat si zal tuh..... ilmu di dada penuh dengan membaca ok!!!!! hehe

miesmoshe said...

aya: tak semestinya bace buku.. pegi jalan2 pun dapat ilmu lorh!!!! lg best, hands on lagi!!