
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

-tidak bertajuk-

konpius benta.. approved friends i never requested..n all of them were in the same uni... ape2 jela ko fesbuk.. ske hati ko la...let the curiosity kill its own cat. not going to bother...


yeah i know life is complicated, is hard and yada yada yada...i never met someone who is never complain about their difficulties of life. Even Bill gates complains his software isnt so magical..cant we just accept the fact and live with it.. have you guys ever had a situation where you were so focusing on a particular thing and been putting so much effort to make it work, then all of sudden it failed. your heart crushed and will take forever to recover. dont you think its tiring. when you recovered and realized its actually a no big deal after all.. its not that u cant be sad and wallow. it is healthy to do that.scientifically proven. don't be shy to cry.just dont make it too long. you might have miss something. life is short. your lifetime might not last a day in resurrection.
a couple of days ago, as i was queuing at Subway counter , an mid-50 man was ordering his sandwiches. and all of sudden he went berserk just because the waiter misunderstood his salad dressing. why some people wants everyone to be afraid of them. i know its their choice as human. Dont you think its bring complication in life. it is no harm being nice.
Do whatever you want to do so long it doesnt hurt people whom you care and cares about you. and i'm doing exactly as it is. I know sometimes ppl asked me, didn't you feel anything? why are you seem so happy?takkan la tak penah sedih kot..i'm not a permanent resident of hospital in tanjung rambutan. duhh.. its just that i don't want to grow old becoming an old grumpy lady who is always get angry just about anything because she didnt get to do what she desired when she is still young..

skrg tgh fokus untuk jadi nenek yang happy dan ceria sentiasa!



zaL said...

nenek??? mak pun blum...
n belum pun lg tukar status single jd double..hahahah

miesmoshe said...

tula pasal.. selalu pk terlalu advance.. wakkakak