
Monday, January 5, 2009

resolution what so ever...


never in my life i have met anyone who had actually success in accomplished their new year resolution. Only 46% of the world population, had actually manage to accomplished their resolution. What happens is their resolve becomes a I right? and only 70% of adults would bother making resolutions. So, i would consider myself as the majority ( majority get to rule the country tau!!).hey, i'm not writing craps but this is base on fact owhkay!! If i'm not mistaken, the last time i even bother making one is when the english teacher asked to do an esei entitled "my new year resolution'. So, i actually had to think really2 hard and to make believed that i had and made one.( so that i wont look that stupid. Peer pressure was a big thing back then..)
I would consider myself as realistic person. though i can be emotionally effected when it counts ( you know during that time of the month or sometimes whenever i'm hungry and...enuf of the details..) but I AM more than 50% realistic.therefore, in making a long term resolution is just too much for me.let say for example, you aim to get a 4 FLAT for the up coming semester and yet in the history of studying architecture there were never a student who gets a 4 flat, and yet you aim the impossible. plg koman aim dean list oraite gak kan?? in my believes, theres only 3 things in life that you cannot predict, marriage ( means your life partner), fortune a.k.a rezeki and death.But i don't put it all on fate..( gle pemalas klu mcm tu).. it needs determination, hard work and lots of prayer to make the world goes round.
I only make resolution whenever i want ( i doesn't have to be every new year),and base on my capabilities and has to be realistic..

orang beresolusi
kita juga nak beresolusi
tapi akhirnya tak berisi

jika ingin beresolusi
biar yang dapat direalisasi
bukan angan merewang langit tinggi
tapi akhirnya terjaga berair liur basi!!!



Anonymous said...

brape ramai la sgt yang wat resolution.

miesmoshe said...

if its 1/100 from the world population it would be 67 million people. bnyk tuh...hmmm