more than a week of hiatus.. not that i'm busy. its just that i'm enjoying much of the reality life compare to the virtual one.but i did some blog hopping here and are things? hmm let me see.. work---> bad- good-hell-heaven ( yeah.. its so mood swing-like), life--> not bad, i just got a hand on good books to read. but i just thought that i want to trash that rental bookstore that i found in the earlier post.. it seems that most of the book there are almost 90% romance novel and half of it are judith mcnaught-kinda-type. blurghhhh...
i just learnt 1 lesson.
dont take what is not yours and treat people the way you want to be treated.if you take what is not yours, Allah swt will took away more from what you have.
the good: i should have stand by the money i owe her first thing after i got my pay check
the evil: u can always do it later, tomorrow even after 2-3 years. shes rich, she wont even remember u owe her money.
the good: it is always in your belives not to take what it is not your. u already seen the consequences.
but i did return the money and yeah its true she forgot that i owed her money and no, i dont regret but was actually sooo grateful that i did because just after that moment, i receive a check more than twice the amount that i owed came in by surprise..hell yeah ( supposedly heaven)...woohoo...