
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

i still think sleep is the best meditation

one day, the guys were talking about their guy friend who just got dumped by his gf. they were talking about the possible reason blah blah. then, i blurted out, ' ish kesian nye.. ak pun penah kena reject. ego kn campak longkang je rase'... but to my surprise, the guys were shocked to here the statement. ' ko pun penah kena reject??!! ko, klu kena reject sah org tu buta'.. hmmm.. but i dont feel proud at all.
terhina ade la.


aziz husairi said...

alaaaaaa sian nyer dia..
2 important rules:
if u r not a dumper, u will be try to find someone who is not-a-dumper b'coz the dump power is in your hand its depend on u either wanna be a cruel or or a lovely person..hahah

miesmoshe said...

i've been both aziz. the dumper and the dumpee.. both sux.