
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

super duper

i have this assignments where i need to create a super hero that has an oriental origin.
im not in favor of drawing human being, as a colleague said to me that i'm like Hitler, who prefer to draw scenery and buildings. my first attempt of the super heroes ended up looking like an old lady ( i wanted to draw a princess owhkay!lol)
nak wacom tablet!!!
i wonder to myself what super power would i like to have?
the ability to fly and mind reading
i suppose anyone who knew me would prolly be rolling their eyes when i write flying.
typical mushy kan. what you see is what you get bebeh!
besides helping helpless people i would used my flying ability to visits all the UNESCO heritage sites. then, and i need to bring my passport along in case the emigration caught me with their high speed jet!( skema tu tak tahan)
mind reading ability is more to personal used.=
its to avoid ppl lying to me. ye saya sgt lurus.-__-"
but i can still use it when i'm helping my friends doing their retail therapy. So they would not get cheated on with all the sales.
( ade jugak bab s
and 1 more thing, my super hero tag line would be ' i can make you fly bebeh' or ' you don't have to say a thing'


how i wish to have those ability! Then I can say bye bye bye ( nyanyi lagu N'sync pun takpe) to Air Asia!
I'm not least ade geng. R.Kelly pun
nak terbang gak!

I wish I can fly,

and I wish I can touch the sky,

jadi mary poppins pun ok je!