
Thursday, February 4, 2010

patah kopi

my caffeine consumption increased to 3 cups a day. 2 cups a day is a normal daily consumption where doing so can reduce of having Parkinson disease for 15%, decrease the chances of having heart attack, increase metabolism thus maintain an ideal weight ( ni saya ske la). But as for me, the number of cups is proportionate to the rate of stress. when too much gives a reverse effect and when not having it at all will makes me grumpy all day. sangat sucker dgn caffeine. The Germans said, coffee and love are best serve when they are hot, the Dutch wants their man to be like coffee, hot, sweet and strong. And, behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee (this is quite true in my circumstances ) and I do wonder if the Lipton employees take coffee break.
( kesian plak klu xde kan).

supposedly i want to write about something else, ended up writing crap about my caffeine freak plak.
whatever it is i'm going to make my 3rd cup of coffee.


H_i said...

hmmm..stress ke kak...enjoy life while enjoy ur coffee..peace

Anonymous said...

imma coffeafreak too!!
we are caffeine people.cptlah kurus!
brapa cups coffea do we have to take to get kak sha figure??

miesmoshe said...

jgn la smpi kak sha figure.. your figure is already there la naise.. no need to go diet2..hehehhe